Dark Time
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Wir sind ein Harry Potter RPG. Wir spielen in Harry's 5. Schuljahr und der dunkle Lord ist zurück. Jedoch glaubt das noch niemand.
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» _Alagaesia
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_icon_minitimeDo Feb 16, 2012 3:57 pm von Gast

» Dark Memories are alive
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_icon_minitimeSa Jan 07, 2012 2:48 pm von Dark Times

» Serena Jacobs
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_icon_minitimeSo Jan 01, 2012 7:29 pm von Serena Jacobs

» Harry james Potter
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_icon_minitimeSa Dez 31, 2011 9:37 am von Draco Malfoy

» The Vampire Diaries - Times are changing
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_icon_minitimeDo Dez 29, 2011 6:33 pm von Dark Times

» Gästebuch
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_icon_minitimeSa Dez 24, 2011 10:59 am von Lewis Aaron Nolan

» >> & I see you in another Life <<
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_icon_minitimeDi Dez 20, 2011 7:46 pm von Neo Wesker

» Überstunden mag wohl niemand...
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_icon_minitimeSo Dez 18, 2011 5:05 pm von Tayria Clifton-Ward

» Ein offenes Geheimnis
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_icon_minitimeSa Dez 17, 2011 11:55 am von Hermine Granger

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PN an Lewis
Wir haben den 31. August. Somit ist das der letzte Ferientag und morgen wird die Schule wieder beginnen. Alle die noch irgendwelche Sachen zu erledigen haben, sollten das heute unbedingt noch machen. Denn morgen ist es zu spät.
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Hermine Granger
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_lcapHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_voting_barHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_rcap 
Lewis Aaron Nolan
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_lcapHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_voting_barHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_rcap 
Erin Rose Huntington
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_lcapHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_voting_barHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_rcap 
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_lcapHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_voting_barHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_rcap 
Lord Voldemort
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_lcapHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_voting_barHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_rcap 
Neo Wesker
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_lcapHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_voting_barHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_rcap 
Alexis Avery
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_lcapHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_voting_barHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_rcap 
Rachel Ledoux
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_lcapHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_voting_barHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_rcap 
John Dane
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_lcapHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_voting_barHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_rcap 
Severus Snape
Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_lcapHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_voting_barHarry Potter - A new Story begins I_vote_rcap 


 Harry Potter - A new Story begins

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Hermine Granger
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Hermine Granger

Harry Potter - A new Story begins Empty
BeitragThema: Harry Potter - A new Story begins   Harry Potter - A new Story begins I_icon_minitimeMo Nov 21, 2011 6:44 pm

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